
The Library of University of Jhang is a treasure trove of knowledge and resources, offering a wide range of materials to support the academic and research needs of students, faculty, and staff. With its extensive collection of books, journals, and electronic resources, the Library is a vital hub of learning and discovery on campus.
At the heart of the Library is its impressive collection of books, covering a wide range of disciplines and subjects. Whether you are a student of literature, science, engineering, business, or any other field, you are sure to find a wealth of resources to support your studies and research. The Library's collection includes both print and electronic resources, allowing you to access the information you need in a variety of formats.
In addition to its collection of books, the Library also offers a variety of other resources and services to support your academic and research needs. These include access to online databases and journals, reference and research assistance, and a range of instructional materials and workshops.
One of the key strengths of the Library of University of Jhang is its commitment to providing access to the latest and most up-to-date information. To this end, the Library regularly acquires new materials and updates its collections to ensure that students, faculty, and staff have access to the most current and relevant information available.
The Library of University of Jhang also provides a range of study spaces and resources to support your learning and research needs. Whether you prefer quiet study spaces, collaborative work areas, or computer labs, the Library has a variety of spaces and resources to support your needs.
Overall, the Library of University of Jhang is an essential resource for students, faculty, and staff alike. With its extensive collection of books, electronic resources, and other materials, along with its commitment to providing access to the latest and most up-to-date information, the Library is a vital hub of learning and research on campus.

Mr. Hussain Ali, University of Jhang
Mr. Hussain Ali
Incharge Library


Mr. Shahzad Anjum

Library cum Junior Clerk



Mr. M. Salman Shakir

Library cum Junior Clerk



Mr. M. Khalil Akhtar

Library Attendant


Central Library Staff Photo