Department of Physics



The department of physics, university of the Jhang launched its journey in 2021as a basic science subject. Currently, the department is offering a four years program BS Physics (60 seats) which may be extended to M.Phil. and Ph.D. in coming years. At present, there are four full-time faculty members’ two assistant professors, and two lecturers.

HOD’s message:

Welcome to the Department of Physics, University of Jhang. The Department seeks to combine excellence in education with service to the industry. Our vision is to be recognized as an innovative and leading Physics Department. Our goal is to provide students with a balance of intellectual and practical experiences that enable them to serve a variety of societal needs. In our department students are nurtured to become the best professionals as researchers, instructors, or team leaders in Industry. I am sure in times to come; many students from our department will make an indelible mark nationally and internationally in the field of science and make us proud. We are having a young and dynamic faculty, whose expertise spans the range of disciplines in physics and a very healthy work-culture, which are the basic elements that comprise the Department of Physics, the hub of the institute’s academia. We hold a firm belief in our ability to succeed, and we nurture an attitude of self-reliance, confidence, commitment, and responsibility to the motherland that we are to serve. The Department believes in building careers, enriching minds, and providing a remarkable experience that lasts a lifetime. The Department is known for its student-centered and practice-oriented education; we are committed to providing an outstanding educational experience to our students and preparing them for the highest personal and professional achievements.

Dr. Fiaz Hussain
Head of Department Physics